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Read the Latest News from Absolutely Mortgages


Mortgages for older borrowers

Many people think that once you pass aged 70 its almost impossible to get a mortgage unless its Equity Release. However, there are many lenders that will consider older borrowers for terms that can go as high as aged 95. 

Affordability is based on income after retirement. This can be income from pensions, investments or rental income. You may even retain a share in a limited company or partnership and the income from this can also be used for affordability.

Retirement Interest Only mortgages are also proving to be popular with borrowers who have an income over and above their state pension. The capital loan is paid off when you die or go into long term care but unlike Equity Release, the interest on the mortgage is paid each month during the term of the loan just like a normal mortgage. This therefore prevents the interest building up and increasing the loan that must be settled when the mortgage ends.

If you or a relative is interested in looking into older borrowing why not get in touch and arrange an appointment.


Mortgage Protection Insurance

A surprisingly high number of people who apply for mortgages don’t protect themselves. No-one likes to think about dying or getting seriously ill but if it were to happen to you, the monthly mortgage payment will still have to be made. A simple policy could offer some comfort and reassurance to both yourself and loved ones. In the current economic climate this is something all mortgage holders should consider.

Ask yourself the following questions

1) If you have a joint mortgage and you are the main bread winner, will your partner be able to pay the monthly mortgage commitments if the worst was to happen?

2) Have you considered how they will manage with all the additional household costs; such as food, utilities, or the cost of raising children?

3) If you were to be taken seriously ill during the term of your mortgage and had to take a long time off work for treatment and recovery, will you be able to manage financially?

4) How long will your employer help you for, if at all?

5) What support can you get from your wider family or the state?

Many people think that mortgage protection insurance such as life cover, serious or critical illness is too costly. If you are in reasonably good health and a non-smoker, premiums are a lot lower than you think. Insurers accept the vast majority of applications, even for people who have underlying health issues or who have been seriously ill in the past. And for those who might be sceptical about mortgage protection insurance - 98% of claims are successful.

We have access to an excellent panel of providers and a wide range of knowledge and experience in helping to provide your family with the cover it deserves. If you would like to discuss this further please get in touch on 0208 393 9222 or email



Round up of 2023 and looking ahead to 2024....

It’s been a tough year for the mortgage market and an even tougher year for mortgage borrowers. Those who had fixed rate deals coming to an end in 2023 had to brace themselves for steep increases in rates and understandably, this has caused concern for many households. Many of those who were considering moving home as well as first-time buyers, have put their plans on hold. 

This year at Absolutely Mortgages, we have gone the extra mile to help our clients through these turbulent times. We have worked hard to secure the best deals available and have kept a close eye on lenders rate changes. We have frequently re switched mortgage deals to ensure that our clients have got the best rates possible. 

The good news is that lenders rates are now coming down. Currently, there are 60% Loan to Value products as low as 4.75% and some 95% LTV products coming in under 6.00%.

We are cautiously optimistic that 2024 will be a better year. While many experts predict that the base rate will be cut next year, this will depend largely on whether UK inflation continues to fall as expected.  If it does, then experts predict that the Bank of England could start cutting the base rate in 2024 and this could possibly fall to 4% by the end of next year. This in turn will mean a continued fall in mortgage rates.

If you would like to look at your mortgage options for next year, then please feel free to contact us on 0208 393 9222 or email us at


12/5/23 NEW PRODUCT - 100% Mortgage for renters.

Skipton Building Society have announced a new 100% Loan to Value mortgage product aimed at helping Generation Rent onto the property ladder without having to rely on savings for deposits or family guarantees.

The new Track Record mortgage is the first of its kind and will enable first time buyers with 12 months plus history of paying rent to be considered for loans as high as £600,000. Provided applicants meet affordability criteria they can access a mortgage without a deposit.

Why not get in touch with us and we can see if you fit with this innovative new product.

There are also other first time buyer options that we can consider.

29/3/23 Why use a mortgage broker?

Choosing the right mortgage can be a daunting and stressful exercise whether you're a first time buyer, landlord, existing homeowner or simply looking for a better mortgage. You can spend hours searching online and speaking to different lenders to see if you are eligible and to find the best rates.
At Absolutely Mortgages we do all the hard work for you; with a complete overview of the mortgage market and an in-depth knowledge of the different lender's rates and criteria, we are best positioned to guide you through the mortgage maze.
As your mortgage broker, we have your best interests at heart. From the initial consultation through to offer, we will keep you updated on the process of your application. If you have any questions, we are just a phone call or email away, no holding on the phone for hours waiting to speak to the lender, we do that for you. We will make the entire process easier for you as well as stress free.
Not all mortgages are straightforward, when faced with an unusual or difficult case, we will do all we can to find a lender with whom you will fit. From newly self-employed with only one year’s accounts, to those who have faced credit problems in the past, whatever the obstacle, we will strive to find the right solution for you.

18/2/23 Do you have mortgage protection?

A surprisingly high number of people who apply for mortgages don’t protect them. No-one likes to think about dying or getting seriously ill but if it were to happen to you, the monthly mortgage payment will still have to be made. A simple policy could offer some comfort and reassurance to both yourself and loved ones.

Ask yourself the following questions;

1) If you have a joint mortgage and you are the main bread winner, will your partner be able to pay the monthly mortgage commitments if the worst was to happen?

2) Have you considered how they will manage with all the additional household costs; such as food, utilities, or the cost of raising children?

3) If you were to be taken seriously ill during the term of your mortgage and had to take a long time off work for treatment and recovery, will you be able to manage financially?

4) How long will your employer help you for, if at all?

5) What support can you get from your wider family or the state?
Many people think that mortgage proetection insurance such as life cover, serious or critical illness is too costly. If you are in reasonably good health and a non-smoker, premiums are a lot lower than you think. Insurers accept the vast majority of applications, even for people who have underlying health issues or who have been seriously ill in the past. And for those who might be sceptical about mortgage protection insurance - 98% of claims are successful.
We have access to an excellent panel of providers and a wide range of knowledge and experience in helping to provide your family with the cover it deserves. If you would like to discuss this further please get in touch.

22/11/22 Help for First Time Buyers

With mortgage rates and lending criteria changing frequently, First Time buyers should consider using a mortgage broker now more than ever.
With a complete overview of the current mortgage market, an in depth knowledge of the different lender’s current rates and criteria and the ability to match your specific criteria with the best lenders and products, Absolutely Mortgages are able to help you take the first steps on to the property ladder.
From the initial meeting to the full mortgage application, we will guide you through the entire process and keep you fully updated all the way through to securing your mortgage offer.
10/10/22 Mini Budget Update
As part of his mini budget, the Chancellor has cut stamp duty in a bid to help house  buyers and especially those looking to get onto the property ladder. The changes will come into effect straight away.
The price at which stamp duty is paid was doubled from £125,000 to £250,000.
The rates are now:
0%: £0 - £250,000 (£425,000 for first time buyers)
5%: £250,000 - £925,000
10%: £925,000 - £1,500,000
12%: £1,500,000+
The chancellor added that discounted stamp duty for first-time buyers will now apply to properties costing up to £625,000 - up from £500,000.
Different rates apply in Scotland under the Land and Buildings Transaction Tax, and in Wales with the Land Transaction Tax.
Why not call us on 0208 393 9222 or email to discuss your requirements.

11/7/22 Do Ethical Mortgages exist? What is Ethical banking? 

We live in a time where the world is more ethically aware. People are more socially  conscious; they are more thoughtful about how they spend their money; they are careful about those they do business with from an ethical standpoint and many are choosing to make more ethical spending decisions.

A bank that follows ethical banking practices is very careful about how it invests its money. It stays away from opportunities that are bad for the environment. It doesn’t partner with organisations engaging in behaviour that is not in the best interests of society. An ethical banking institution is socially and environmentally conscious in its decision-making.

Does this apply to mortgage lending and home buying?

In the current economic context, we truly have a role to play when it comes to ethical money and choosing to use only ethical banks and building societies. By choosing a mortgage from an ethical lender you are ensuring your money doesn’t fund fossil fuels, human rights abuses, questionable lobbying practices against progressive policies, or any number of other issues – you are ultimately making the choice to help assist in the development of and transition towards a better world.

How Absolutely Mortgages can help

A completely independent mortgage broker like Absolutely Mortgages is the home buyer’s best option for finding an ethical lender for their mortgage. Being fully independent gives us access to virtually every product on the market. We are free to look anywhere and everywhere to find the right deal and more often than not, we have access to deals made available exclusively to us. We have the knowledge and expertise in finding socially and environmentally responsible deals and we give buyers the opportunity to work with an ethical lender that can be trusted to be socially and environmentally conscious.

To find out more about your ethical mortgage options please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Read more about Ethical Banking and Mortgages from the Good shopping Guide here



Interest Rate Rises are looming

Following the recent Bank of England base rate hikes, now at 0.5%, experts are agreed that there are likely to be more to come.
The Government has set an inflationary target of 2.0% (currently the rate of inflation is 5.4%). Its therefore highly likely that another rate increase will come shortly.
Naturally, this will have a knock on effect with mortgage lending as rates are now rising. We are receiving frequent notifications from lenders warning us of impending rate increases.
If you are on a fixed rate deal and this is coming to an end in the next 3 months you should look to get your rate tied into another fixed rate deal as soon as possible. Some lenders will allow you to do this up to 4 months before the rate ends.
If your rate expires in 3-6 months’ time, you could look at remortgaging to another lender now. Remember, mortgage offers usually last 6 months. So provided the new application is successful, the new rate you apply for will be secured regardless of any further rate increases. We simply instruct the new lender not to complete until the early redemption date on your current rate has passed.
It is always worth speaking to a mortgage broker about your options so that you can benefit from the most competitive rates available.
Absolutely Mortgages is a family business with over 40 years’ experience and close ties to the Epsom and Ewell area. We pride ourselves on the personal and long standing relationships we have built up with our clients over the years. If you are a new client, you can be assured of a mortgage broker that offers a professional service and has your best interests at heart.

Get in touch for a free consultation.


Product Switches and Remortgaging
If your fixed rate deal is due to come to an end in the next 4 months, make sure you get in  touch with us so we can help you decide if you should stay with your current lender and tie into another deal (product switching) or if you should remortgage to another lender to benefit from more competitive rates.
If you do not switch your rate before the current rate expires, your interest rate will revert to the lenders standard variable rate, which is likely to be much higher. It is surprising how many people let this happen and are paying far much more than they should.
Remortgaging might be a better idea if you are looking to restructure your mortgage, for example, capital raise for home improvements or property investment, change the term of the mortgage or convert your mortgage to interest only or repayment.
As an experienced mortgage broker with a sound overview of the mortgage market, we can advise on the best options available to you. Get in touch for a free consultation.



Mortgage Lending to the Self-employed
Due to the impact of Covid-19, the dynamic of mortgage lending to self-employed applicants has
continued with tighter lending criteria, decreased loan to value ratios and lowered lending multiples.
An increase in the number of people becoming self-employed during the pandemic with more than 4 million now self-employed in the UK, coupled with the shift in the mortgage market, means there has never been a better time for the self-employed to use a mortgage broker
Lenders can have different ways of assessing self-employed income, depending on what type of self-employed category you fall in to ie Sole Trader, Partner or Director of a Ltd Company (more than 20% share).
Most lenders will want to see a minimum of 2 years trading activity and will want to see 2 years tax calculations or SA302’s and/or 2 years company accounts. There are a handful of lenders who will accept just one year’s Accounts. Due to covid 19 and the impact that this has had on self-employed businesses, the lenders will want to see more up to date trading figures like business bank statements and accountants’ letters.
As an experienced mortgage broker with a sound overview of the mortgage market and a successful track record in helping self-employed applicants, we can advise on the best options available to you before you commit yourself to moving. Get in touch for a free consultation.



Tips for first-time buyers

It’s always a good idea to speak to a mortgage broker first. At Absolutely Mortgages we have an in-depth knowledge of the mortgage market and we can help first time buyers understand what they need to do to get accepted by a lender. This is a free consultation and many of our clients have found this to be very helpful.

If you are a first-time buyer with a 5 - 10% deposit, here are some tips to make sure you get approved.

  • Check you are on the electoral role at your current address. If the lender can’t find you registered at an address it can impact on a lending decision.
  • It’s always a good idea to check your latest credit report. The best reports to use are ones that capture all credit referencing agencies – like checkmyfile. Your broker can always check this through and look for anything that might be of potential concern.
  • Having a credit card that’s used sensibly can show that you are able to maintain financial agreements. However, make sure it's not up to its limit. If it’s up to or close to its limit this will have a negative affect on your credit score.
  • Keep up to date on all payments, not just credit cards, but also overdrafts, mobile phone bills and utilities. One late payment on your account could result in your application being declined.
  • When the time comes to apply for a mortgage, the lender will want to see proof of your deposit. If it’s from savings, the lender will want to see a gradual build-up of funds. Any large deposits will need to be explained. Lenders will usually accept gifted deposits from family and will consider them from abroad but you should clarify this with your broker first.
  • If you earn bonuses, commission, overtime, allowances or any additional income you should be able to use these to help with affordability and therefore borrow more. Every lender has different rules on what and how much of these they will accept, so once again, you will need to take advise from your broker.



Why use a mortgage broker?

Choosing the right mortgage can be a daunting and stressful exercise whether you're a first time buyer, landlord, existing homeowner or simply looking for a better mortgage. You can spend hours searching online and speaking to different lenders to see if you are eligible and to find the best rates. At Absolutely Mortgages we do all the hard work for you; with a complete overview of the mortgage market and an in-depth knowledge of the different lender's rates and criteria, we are best positioned to guide you through the mortgage maze. 

As your mortgage broker, we have your best interests at heart. From the initial consultation through to offer, we will keep you updated on the process of your application. If you have any questions, we are just a phone call or email away, no holding on the phone for hours waiting to speak to the lender, we do that for you. We will make the entire process easier for you as well as stress free. 

Not all mortgages are straightforward, when faced with an unusual or difficult case, we will do all we can to find a lender who will fit. From newly self-employed with only one year’s accounts, to those who have faced credit problems in the past, whatever the obstacle, we will strive to find the right solution for you.

All initial consultations with us are free of charge. A fee of £299 - £499 may apply depending on your circumstances. This will be discussed with you at the initial meeting. If a fee applies you will not be required to pay this until we have a secured a mortgage offer for you. We never charge fees up front. If we cannot get you a mortgage there is no charge.



Agreements in Principle

There are no guarantees with Agreements in Principle. We have noticed an increasing number of clients who come to us having already got a mortgage agreement in principle but who then have their full application declined. Many of them have been pressured to produce an agreement in order to secure a property in a very competitive housing market.
An Agreement or Decision in Principle does not guarantee a mortgage. The lender has only provisionally agreed to lend to you. There are many reasons why you could then be declined at the full mortgage application stage.
If you are a first time buyer especially, you should always seek the advice of a mortgage broker before you start out. All mortgage lenders have differing lending criteria and the mortgage market can sometimes be very confusing.
At Absolutely Mortgages we will always take a detailed look at your circumstances to make sure there are no potential issues preventing you from getting a mortgage or preventing you from getting a mortgage with particular lenders. If your circumstances are not straight forward we will place you with the lender we know is most likely to accept you at full application stage from our previous experience and full market knowledge. Once the process is complete, we will then run the agreement for you.




Mortgage Rates

Mortgage lenders are currently battling to offer some of the best rates possible. In fact rates  
have dropped to record lows with around 15 lenders currently offering sub 1% mortgages. The cheapest deals are available up to 60% loan to value, which means good deals for home buyers with big deposits and people remortgaging with significant equity in their property. For people with smaller deposits or equity there are still some very good rates to be had and lenders are introducing a number of schemes and initiatives to attract customers.

However, none of this is set to last. Inflationary pressures in the UK are building and experts are predicting that the Bank of England will have no choice but to raise interest rates possibly as early as February next year.

If you need to review your current mortgage, are looking to remortgage your property or considering moving why not give is a call on 0208 393 9222?



The mortgage market is changing 

If you are thinking about buying your first home, moving house or even remortgaging,
now is the time to speak to a mortgage broker.

The Mortgage Market

Due to the impact of Covid-19, the dynamic of mortgage lending in the UK has changed dramatically. Most lenders have tightened up on lending criteria, decreased loan to value ratios and lowered lending multiples.

Whether you are employed or self-employed, been impacted by the pandemic or not, lenders are requesting more evidence of long term employment and business stability.

Before you commit to your next move, you are advised to get in touch with us. As an experienced mortgage broker with a sound overview of the mortgage market, we can advise on the best options available to you before you commit yourself to moving.

Rate or Term Changes

If your fixed rate deal is due to come to an end soon, make sure you get in touch with us so we can help you decide on your next fixed rate term. If you do not switch your rate before the fixed term rate expires, your interest rate will revert to the lenders standard variable rate, which is likely to be much higher.

If you are looking at further borrowing or changing your term, now may be the right time to look for a better deal elsewhere. Otherwise, it's simply a case of switching to another fixed rate deal with your current lender. If you are on a mortgage holiday you are still able to do this.  

Please contact us with any queries you may have.  



Do Ethical Mortgages exist?

What is Ethical banking?

We live in a time where the world is more ethically aware. People are more socially conscious; they are more thoughtful about how they spend their money; they are careful about those they do business with from an ethical standpoint and many are choosing to make more ethical spending decisions.

A bank that follows ethical banking practices is very careful about how it invests its money. It stays away from opportunities that are bad for the environment. It doesn’t partner with organisations engaging in behaviour that is not in the best interests of society. An ethical banking institution is socially and environmentally conscious in its decision-making.

Does this apply to mortgage lending and home buying?

In the current economic context, we truly have a role to play when it comes to ethical money and choosing to use only ethical banks and building societies. By choosing a mortgage from an ethical lender you are ensuring your money doesn’t fund fossil fuels, human rights abuses, questionable lobbying practices against progressive policies, or any number of other issues – you are ultimately making the choice to help assist in the development of and transition towards a better world.

How Absolutely Mortgages can help

A completely independent mortgage broker like Absolutely Mortgages is the home buyer’s best option for finding an ethical lender for their mortgage. Being fully independent gives us access to virtually every product on the market. We are free to look anywhere and everywhere to find the right deal and more often than not, we have access to deals made available exclusively to us. We have the knowledge and expertise in finding socially and environmentally responsible deals and we give buyers the opportunity to work with an ethical lender that can be trusted to be socially and environmentally conscious.

To find out more about your ethical mortgage options please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Read more about Ethical Banking and Mortgages from the Good shopping Guide here



Do you have life and critical illness insurance?

We are delighted to announce that Absolutely Mortgages have teamed up with Aspen Financial as our preferred term assurance provider. Aspen can help you with all your life, critical/serious illness and income protection assurance requirements from a wide range of well-known insurance providers.  They are also able to write Wills and provide help and advice on inheritance planning. In both cases, Aspen have built a reputation for a fast and efficient service.
Life Insurance provides financial cover should the unthinkable happen, enabling people to be secure in the knowledge that their dependants could receive a cash lump sum if they die.

Homeowners should take particular care not to overlook life insurance as it can help to ensure the property is paid for upon death, alleviating any financial burden and may even provide financial security for loved ones.
Providing you are in reasonably good health, policy premiums are much less than you may think and latest industry figures show that 98% of all policies will pay out should the worst happen. We would advise all our clients to give this serious consideration. Remember, you don’t buy life insurance because you are going to die or get seriously ill, but because you want those you love to continue to live.
Please let us know if you would like our colleagues to contact you.


Are you self-employed and unsure if you can get a mortgage?

Lenders can have different ways of assessing self-employed income, depending of what type of self-employed category you fall in to:

Sole Trader/Partnership: Most lenders use a 2-year average of net profit or share of net profit.

Director of a Limited Company (more than 20% share): Most lenders take 2-year average of salary and dividends. Some lenders take 2-year average of salary and net profit.

If the latest years’ income is less than the previous year, some lenders will use that instead of an average. Likewise, if you have been trading for 3 years and income increases year on year, the lender may take the latest figure.

Good news for those who have only been trading a year, there are a handful of lenders who will accept just one year’s Accounts.

To prove your income, you either need to show HMRC Tax calculations and overviews or if you have an Accountant the lender can contact them to confirm income.



Are you eligible for an Interest Only Mortgage?

Did you know interest only mortgages are available through some lenders? 

You may have a very good reason for requiring an interest only mortgage. It may be that you have a repayment plan in place, or you have a lot of equity and plan to downsize in the future. 

Many older people want to use the equity in their properties to help their children onto the property ladder, or to raise a deposit for a rental property. A repayment mortgage would be costly and may not be affordable. 

Lenders will need to ensure you have a viable repayment strategy in place. Some lenders require a minimum income or a minimum amount of equity remining in the property. 

Interest Only is generally available up to 50% of the property value, anything over that would need to be on repayment. 

Speak to us to discuss your options and see if you are eligible.


Are you aware of Retirement Interest Only Mortgages?

The new breed of interest only mortgages for older people are starting to take off and we  are getting more and more enquiries about them. Currently, Retirement Interest Only (RIO) Mortgages are provided by a handful of lenders but more are expected to roll out similar products over the next few years.
RIO Mortgages could provide more choice for older borrowers (aged 55 – 80) provided they have reliable retirement income. They are not a replacement for standard interest only mortgages or Lifetime Equity Release products, instead they offer an alternative solution.
They can be useful for:
- Clients looking for a lifestyle or retirement planning option
- Clients wanting to release equity from their homes without the cost of interest roll up
- Clients who have come to the end of their existing interest only mortgage but don’t have the ability to redeem the capital balance but can maintain interest only payments for the life of the mortgage
Why not get in touch with us to see if RIO mortgages are a suitable option for you.


Buying a flat?


If you are considering purchasing a flat there are some things you should consider before making an offer:

  • Flats with commercial premises underneath or nearby can be an issue if the shops are food outlets or bars with unsociable opening hours.
  • If the flat is ex-local authority then the lender may require a larger deposit as security. In some cases they may refuse to lend depending on the construction and size of the block.
  • If you are buying a new build flat, lenders often require a larger deposit, between 15% and 25% of the property value.
  • These are just a few of the niche criteria required by different lenders. It's always a good idea to get professional advice before committing to a purchase.
  • All leasehold flats have a lease and the longer the lease the better, if the lease is less than 85 years, not all lenders will accept it.  It’s best to check before making an offer.

We are always happy to discuss options with you. Contact us for a free initial consultation.



Secured Loans

Need to release equity from your home, but can’t borrow more through your current lender? Maybe you want to carry out some home improvements, or use equity towards school fees or a business start-up? 

If you are tied into a fixed rate, or maybe your income isn’t quite enough to borrow the amount you need, then a secured loan might be an option.

Secured loans use the collateral in your home as security. The rates are lower than those offered on unsecured borrowing and the repayments can be spread over a longer term to keep costs down.

We have links with the top secured loan providers who are eager to lend. Contact us to discuss your options.



Spring is here

Spring is here and it’s out with the old and in with the new, that could be the case for your mortgage too!

Just because you took your mortgage out with a particular lender, it doesn’t mean you are tied to them for life.  Lenders are in constant competition with each other and they want your business.  By shopping around, you may find a better deal elsewhere.

We are a Whole of Market broker which means we have access to the widest choice of lenders on the market.  We can do the shopping around for you, and if it turns out your current lender can still offer you the best deal, then we can often change this over for you to save you the hassle.

If you would like to discuss your options in more detail, contact us for a free initial consultation.



Absolutely Mortgages featured as one of the Top-Rated Mortgage Advisers 

We are delighted to share with you a guide produced by VouchedFor for the Times last weekend  featuring none other than Ciara Duffy of Absolutely Mortgages. The 'VouchedFor's 2019 Guide to the UK's Top Rated Financial Advisers' provides some valuable advice about financial planning along with some top tax tips.

Ciara is in the Greater London bracket of the Mortgage Adviser section of the guide, this lists 'financial and mortgage advisers who are consistently doing an excellent job for their clients'. They have been chosen as those with the highest reviews on VouchedFor since the start of 2018. A big thank you to those of you that have provided Ciara, and Absolutely Mortgages, with positive reviews. 

Whatever category of client you are, we will always endeavour to provide an in-depth personalised service to give you the best help possible so please get in touch should you need any advice.



Tips for first-time buyers

If you’re a first-time buyer looking to get a 90% or 95% mortgage, then here are some top tips to make sure you get approved:

  1. Make sure you’re on the electoral role at your current address. If the lender can’t find you registered at an address it can reduce your chances of being accepted.
  2. It’s good to have a credit card to show you can maintain financial agreements, but make sure it’s not at its limit. Using the majority of available credit can have a negative effect onyour credit score.
  3. Keep up to date on all payments, not just credit cards, but also overdrafts, mobile phone bills and utilities. One late payment on your account could result in your application being declined.
  4. When the time comes to apply for a mortgage, the lender will want to see proof of your deposit. If it’s from savings, the lender will want to see a gradual build-up of funds. Any large deposits will need to be explained.

If you would like to discuss your options in more detail, contact us for a free initial consultation.



Benefits of a mortgage broker

We often get asked what are the benefits of using a Mortgage Broker?

  • Firstly, we act as your agent, so you don’t have to contact lender after lender looking for the best deal.
  • We have access to exclusive mortgage rates which aren't always available on the high street.
  • We assess your individual needs to ensure you are matched to the right lender, no nasty surprises further down the line.
  • We have access to lenders directly and have established relationships with them, no call centres or holding for hours.
  • We provide you with regular updates o the progess of an application and do the chasing on your behalf.
  • We also have ties with reputable conveyancers, life assurance and home insurance providers, we can offer you the whole package.

The article below highlights a number of the benefits. There is a lot more involved than you may think.

Read the full article


If you would like to discuss your options in more detail, contact us for a free initial consultation. | 020 8393 9222 |